Image by NyOkieSue via Flickr
I got me some Winstons and things are looking up. Amazing how the little things can make such a huge difference. One may not smoke but guaranteed there is something that does it for you.
It's Mother's day and my child came through for me. Actually, my children. A couple aren't even blood kin but they are my children just the same. I appreciate them beyond belief.
Monday is the day I'm off of vacation--not that it's been such a grand one. It's back to the old operation make money. I need an operation make time actually. There is never enough of either one.
The topic of "real friends" came up a while ago. I have to say my online friends are every bit real to me. I've been offline for a spell and actually got missed. I can't say as though I'm missed offline. I can go to the same store day after day. If I stop going I doubt anyone would even notice. But let me not sign into facebook and it's noticed! That is real enough for me. I have got to meet people across the world online and in no way would I be able to do that offline. I cherish my online friends and will defend my relationships till the end :-) I've even had to use google translate to carry on an hour long conversation a time or too. And I'm grateful to be able to do that.
On Mother's Day, I'm going to round up a few more projects and perhaps snap a photo or two. I love my kiddos and my grand angels. I am so happy for so many things. I am rich.
I think it may be nap time.
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